Steve Bannon prepares a good revolution – in the European Parliament


Kent Ekeroth about the meeting: On his own initiative

Kicked White House top Steve Bannon has a new goal: to split the EU after the next election.

He wants to form a "super group" right in the European Parliament – as part of the offensive, he met SD member Kent Ekeroth last week, according to The Daily Beast.

"All attempts to save Europe from left liberals are welcome," writes Kent Ekeroth in an email to Aftonbladet.

A little over a year ago, US President Donald Trump made his decision:

There was no room for Steve Bannon at the White House.

Trump's right-wing managerial strategy was ejected from attention, and in the aftermath, President Bannon called for insanity.

1 of 2 | Photo: Evan Vucci / TT / NTB Scanpix

Steve Bannon, Former General Manager of Donald Trump

In an interview with The Daily Beast, Steve Bannon tells him that he's aimed at the other side of l & # 39; Atlantic. Bannon begins a foundation – The Movement – whose goal is to draw the map of EU politics.

By associating the European right with the foundation and offering him, among other things, campaign advice and data-driven marketing, he hopes for a right-wing revolution in the EU. He sees this as the creation of a "super-group" right within the European Parliament

Bannon: The Swedish Democrats go perfectly

After the European elections of 2019, he hopes that one one-third of parliamentarians will be attached to it. a major parliamentary disorder, according to The Daily Beast.

– We do not seek to include non-nationalist parties, but those of the Swedish Democrats and the True Finns are perfect, says Bannon.

The paper also notes that Bannon met the scandalous ripped MP, Kent Ekeroth (SD), who was ranked on the party's parliamentary list for future elections.

Bannon and Ekeroth met in London last week. By e-mail, Ekeroth answers questions from Aftonbladet – but is very interested in what they discussed during the meeting. He writes that Bannon seemed "insightful in the situation of Sweden."

What did you talk about?

"Few different things".

How do you look at the movement?

"All attempts to save Europe from left liberals are welcome."

Have you met Bannon as a representative of the SD?

"No, it was on your own initiative."

In response to a question about how Bannon could help Europe, Ekeroth answers that it remains to be seen, but "the more forces that are trying are good, the better it is".

How do you look at your own future in SD?

"It's still to see".

Ekeroth declares that there is no project to work actively for the Bannons Foundation

SD: "Bannon does not interest us"

Christian Krappedal, press secretary of the Swedish Democrats, wrote in an email to Aftonbladet that they are not interested in Steve Bannon as a person or politician. "

" The party has had no contact with a representative of their campaign and there is also no interest for us. The only campaign in our home is the 9th of September. "

What do you think Bannon met recently at Kent Ekeroth in London recently?

" Kent met Bannon as part of a speech at Tommy Robinson's protest in London on 14/7. The speech and the meeting with Bannon were made on their own initiative and did not go through the party.

Kent Ekeroth is still in parliament, but was sued by the list of Swedish Democrats until the fall. Despite this, Ekeroth is invited to the 2017 National Party Party, something that SD means follows the status of the party:

"At the Swedish National Democratic Days call all our parliamentarians represented It is a regime governed by our statutes. "

Parliamentary: Stop It

Since Bannon, Called for" The Most Dangerous Man in American Politics " ", was fired, he met several of the most supporters of the right in Europe – including the former Ukip leader, Nigel Farage, and Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán.

Bans plans sparked strong reactions in European politics.

– Quite honestly, spokesman Steve Bannon wants to influence the next European elections. How much Russian money will be involved this time? writes Belgian parliamentarian Guy Verhofstadt on Facebook

He continues:

– Whatever the answer, "Generation Europe" must stop it before the evil nationalism again destroys Europe.

They finished, were forced to finish or were fired under Trump 00:60

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