Strange shoot – when Duplantis won the prize


Armand Duplantis had recorded a record before the European Championship in Berlin at the end of the summer. There was the young shit who was hoping for another big hit.

Aged 18, he was noticed for the unprecedented 6.05 and won the Euro Gold in front of, among others, the model Renaud Lavillenie.

On Friday night, Duplantis was nominated in the star category of the year at the annual athletics competition of the European Athletics Association. He was placed there against the 18-year-old Norwegian Jakob Ingebrigtsen, who won the double gold in Berlin (1,500 and 5,000 meters respectively).

Historical decision: share on price

All ended up that the two super talents had to share the price, which had never happened before.

Armand Duplantis could not attend the galaxy in Lausanne, but send a wish.

"I would like to thank the European Athletics Association for the honor of being named" rising star. "I would also like to congratulate Jakob.As I share the award, there is no I would like to thank my parents, my friends and all those who supported me, so I was able to get there today and receive this award, did you he said, and he continues:

– Unfortunately, I can not participate and receive the award because I have to be in the United States to go to school. But I would like to thank the European Athletics Association again and I hope everyone has a great evening.

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