Strawberries behind Petter Stordalens billionimperium


Petter Stordalen has 193 hotels and recently wrote a fortune of 25.7 billion crowns on their children. Billions correspond to 99.99% of its shares in the company owning Strawberry Holding AS. He himself holds 0.01% of the shares

. It's also there that he started – in strawberries.

In an interview with Resume magazine, he tells how his career accelerated when, at the age of twelve, he became the third trader in the family. It was then that he sold strawberries to Porsgrunn, Telemark.

In a good, he heard words from his father as the "philosophy of strawberries":

"Sell them strawberries because they are the only ones you can sell. 19659002]

READ MORE: The Secret Plans of Petter Stordalen and Isabella Löwengrip

Finding Inspiration at Volvo

This gives him confidence in the success of possibilities, not limitations, as indicated in the Summary.

Today – 44 years later – he finds new angles of entry into another. He takes the Volvoreklamen as a source of professional inspiration.

– Volvo trucks could spend 10 million crowns to explain how their GPS works. But they let Jean Claude van Damme break the gap between the trucks. When I do my business, there is always a risk that it will go crazy, he said to CV.

READ MORE: Millions of Rain on Petter Stordalen


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