Strong criticism of the Holocaust review by SVT


The SVT fact sheet reviewed the NMR and the refusal of the organization of the Holocaust

Criticism was heavily criticized.

"Add SVT!" Your factual statement is deeply regrettable and legitimate the Nazis, writes Helle Klein, "publisher of Dagens Work on Twitter .

In two articles, the SVT Factor, which reviews the authorities' statements and statements, examined people in NMR and its allegations of the Holocaust.

In the articles, SVT has spoken with Pär Öberg and Vera Oredsson, parliamentary candidates for the Nordic Resistance Movement. In an article, Vera Oredsson claims that the Holocaust did not occur. In the second article, Pär Öberg denied that the Nazis used Zyklon B to kill people in gas chambers during the Second World War. World War.

In the article on Pär Öberg the company that delivered Zyklon B to Auschwitz-Birkenau during the war. The company confirms what has already been written about involvement in the Holocaust.

In the review, SVT Facts concludes that the statements of Pär Öberg and Vera Oredsson are "In fact, completely false". According to the rating criteria of SVT Factor, this means that "nothing in the statement is true, it is completely perceived."

"Incomprehensible and unpleasant."

Criticism sparked strong reactions to social media.

Journalist and cultural critic Kristina Lindquist wrote a column in DN where she calls SVT's criticism for "a journalistic accident".

"Do not get me wrong. There is a constant need for information about the crimes of the Holocaust and the Nazis, we can not assume that new generations have knowledge. But asking the question about the gas chambers in this – questioned and stupid – just plain wrong, "she writes on Twitter.

" Misunderstood and unfortunate accident by SVT. Denial of the Holocaust is equated with incorrect statements in a regular political debate. It's so imprudent that the responsible editor should change jobs, writes Andreas Johansson Heinö, publication director of think tank Timbro and columnist in DN and Borås, Twitter ].

Answers to Criticism

Aftonbladet speaks with SVT Factor Editor Fredrik Laurin, refuses to comment, but rather refers to a written response to Kristina Lindquist's column. The answer was published by DN

"Myths about the Holocaust are cultivated not only among politically marginal but noisy groups like the NMR, available on the sites of the All Right movement, on Twitter and Facebook. our factories for a wide audience where many struggle to navigate between what is true and what is wrong in the flow of information that flows against them from the extreme, the vaccine and the climate detector, says the answer signed Fredrik Laurin and Charlotta Friborg, "Editor responsible for SVT News.

The SVT datasheet works with DN, SvD, SR and KIT. The articles on the NMR have been published on the joint site, where different media share their opinions. Aftonbladet asked the editor of DN Peter Wolodarski, who declined to comment

Aftonbladet Åsa Linderborg has already criticized, something she's written about this spring.

This is Holocaust 00: 37

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