Summer in P1 with Tauba Katzenstein


Many spoke, but many were also silent.

It is generally said that the 1961 trial against Adolf Eichmann, responsible for transport to death camps during the Holocaust, became a turning point that made more people talk about energy. The televised broadcast of Jerusalem and the testimonies of survivors have reached people all over the world ..

But there are memories that are so painful that it is difficult to talk about it

For Tauba Katzenstein, 92 It has been very difficult for years to talk about his mother and grandmother. Now she does it at last, because, as she says, she is the only person who knows them. In the story, they are nameless, they do not have graves like they had never existed. Somehow, the memory of them will be left, if only in a radio archive.

Although the story is difficult to hear, it also contains hope. Tauba Katzenstein talks about the leap that has been going on among young people in the Lodz ghetto. And without the help of an SS woman – "she was human" – at the end of the war, she herself had not survived.

Tauba Katzenstein grew up in Lodz, describing an early childhood that, despite widespread anti-Semitism, was relatively safe.

There was always a grandmother small, slender and modest. And mom, cheerfully and a little, who liked to dress and go out with friends.

During the summer of 1942, the family saw the SS in uniform parade with whips in hand and dogs in pairs. They brought grandma. "How it happened late can not be described," says Tauba Katzenstein, but still tells. The terrible thing had just started

As a listener, it's hard not to think about what happened in Almedalen earlier this summer, and what happened and happens, by For example, in Ludvika

people's tales were transmitted more orally and many could be lost or perverted on the road. Today, we have a technology that gives us great opportunities to preserve self-perceived experiences.

This has been said so many times in the past – but we must listen to survivors who still survive, and continue to listen even when they are gone. Listen to Tauba Katzenstein

"Summer in P1" airs at 1:00 pm every day, and released in podd at 7:00 am. Here you can read the comments of DN on the programs as soon as they are sent . [ad_2]
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