Support for the illegal campaign has been used to spread false elections in Brazil


He calls on the Brazilian electoral authorities to exclude Jair Bolsonaro from the second round of the presidential election of October 28, Bolsonaro having violated the electoral law. From the election of the year, it is forbidden for entrepreneurs to give money to presidential candidates.

"It's falskusk," says Fernando Haddad.

The Folha newspaper of S. Paulo revealed that nearly 20 private entrepreneurs supported the Bolsonaro election campaign by buying ready-made packages from troll factories, which were false information fabricated about the Labor Party candidate. According to the data, each company would have paid up to SEK 30 million to companies that used WhatsApp to broadcast millions of messages to Brazilian voters. Fernando Haddad wants the police to seize one of the contractors so that he can enter among others who have tried to influence the election results.

"It's enough that the police seize a person to let us know who is behind this illegal funding before next Sunday's elections," he said.

One of the companies accused of joining is the Havan merchandise chain, known in Brazil, as each store has a giant copy of the Statue of Liberty in front of the entrance. The owner opposes the Labor Party's distribution policy and has already been notified to the constituency for attempting to force his thousands of employees to vote for Bolsonaro. The owner usually participates in Bolsonaro's live broadcasts on social media and claims that he has committed no eruptions. Bolsonaro, in turn, thinks that he can not control what his followers are doing.

– I have no control over what entrepreneurs do like me. I know it's breaking the law, but I do not know what they're doing, "presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro said.

He presents instead a conspiracy theory.

"It could be leftist people who claim to support me simply to complicate my life," he says.

Fernando Haddad has received a massive campaign of false news in recent weeks, claiming that he intended to legalize pedophilia when he was elected. Many free church voters in Brazil believed the message and rejected it. Therefore, Haddad wants the electoral court to disqualify Bolsonaro from the second round and replace him with midfielder Ciro Gomes, who won third place in the first round. The Ciro Gomes party, the Social Democrat Social Democratic Party (TDP), wants to go even further and deny the outcome of the first round of elections.

"These companies have committed a serious crime affecting election results," said party president Carlos Lupi.

Brazil is one of those countries most use social media. Out of a total of 210 million inhabitants, 127 million use Facebook every month and 120 million use WhatsApp. The bulk of Bolsonaro's election campaign was conducted on social media and, according to media researcher Marisa von Bülow, of the University of Brasilia, nine false reports about troll establishments produce content for Brazilian extremists .

"It's a dirty war made by WhatsApp – it's cheap, easy and when a lot of users quickly," she told DN.

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