Svensexa accused of abuse – paid homeless to tattoo | new


A group of British, who were in the Spanish city of Benidorm, were in a blue time.

One night the companion gushed into a homeless man – and then paid the man to tattoo the groom's name, zip code and zip code on the front

The compass wire would have offered to the homeless 100 euros, or 1,000 kroner, to do the tattoo, which he agreed.

Described as "Inhuman"

The British Daily Star writes that man has become so bad that he could not finish the tattoo.

The British Daily Star writes that the man became so bad that he could not finish the tattoo.


A manager of the tourism and business industry in Benidorm, Karen Cowles, says that she knows the man.

– What they did for This man is completely inhuman and rubs shoulders with abuse, "says Karen Cowles at Daily Star, and continues:

– I'm horrified that adult men exploits someone in such a vulnerable situation. They left a marked human for the rest of their lives.

Hope the bride regrets

The homeless man would be Tomek, 34, originally from Poland but who should have been homeless after the breakup of the relationship.

Now, local businesses and traders plan to raise money to fund the removal of a tattoo

– I am also pissed that a tattoo studio could even do that at n? ;anyone. We talk to companies and look into the possibilities of removing the tattoo, "said Karen Cowles to the Daily Star.

ALSO READ: Kenny, 37, wants everyone see her bizarre tattoo

At the same time, social media discussions are raging – and the criticism of friends is not gracious – refers to the groom, and his friends, and calls them " Another way that the bride in question hopes to see what kind of man she intends to marry.Others choose to call the event " a shame "and ask what kind of ethical study and moral tattoo in question.

The man received the equivalent of 1,000 crowns to get a tattoo.


The Future of Man

The Guardian Newspaper Writes that Karen Cowles was looking for Tomek after seeing her image on Facebook.

She says that he was ashamed of it

– If someone offers $ 1,000 to a homeless person, he will thank you, says Karen Cowles about the offer of company.

In addition to removing the tattoo. have you also started an economic fundraiser for Tomek?

– Removing the tattoo is important because it shows that we do not accept what has happened, but the rest of his life is also important. GoFundMe



         From the Newspaper

photo: GoFundMe

Claiming it does not fit

In an interview with the local newspaper Newcastle Evening Chronicle the groom says that 39, having been pushed out of a bar, he has never been at all with the rest of the tattooist.

Jamie Blake also claims that Tomek is not at all a homeless person.

After the entire resurrection, Jamie Blake chose to comment on the incident and commented that he was not involved. He has been living and working in the station for some time.

– It was a nightmare. Maybe I should go home and lose my job here, Newcastle Evening Chronicle . [ad_2]
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