SVT answers DN Kristina Lindquist


Kristina Lindquist and other writers of culture do not of course need to be convinced of the existence of the Holocaust or the number of people actually murdered. They have both education and antecedents, which does not make them hesitate to say that the Earth is round

. But the SVT fact sheet on two of the NMR factorial statements is not written for the cultural side of DN. It is written for the 700,000 people who watched Vera Oredsson's video online from the NRK documentary The Rapids, where the unprecedented NPR had to air its myths. The most after Oslo were the viewers of Västra Götaland, Skåne and Stockholm

Read more: Kristina Lindquist: SVT allows the Nazis to set the agenda

The myths about the Holocaust are cultivated, they are on the sites of the All Right Movement, they are on Twitter and on Facebook. We write our Facts to a wide audience where many struggle to navigate between what is true and what is wrong in the flow of information that escapes them from the extreme, vaccines and vaccines. climate sensors.

Kristina Lindquist sums up our mission in an excellent saying: "We are in a position where the last voices can still testify if the horror of the Nazi genocide in a number of years will be gone. Deepening knowledge largely relies on the institutions of democracy, especially the media. "

It was a journalistic retreat to make statements like these unmatched and not to produce the evidence really available: 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust.And at least as many Poles, Russians, homosexuals and Romans.And yes, more than 18 tons of Zyklon B were available for gasification in the Auschwitz production plants.The manufacturer called Degesch Gmbh and its management had to live after the war for its involvement in the massacre.The Nazis, and those who hesitate about these facts, have simply t ort.

The one who meets the most eloquent opposition to these truths can now find a newly written, easily accessible and up-to-date text on the subject. The public service is needed in a world where investigative forces are trying to attract new followers.

Charlotta Friborg, Head of Publishing SVT News

Fredrik Laurin, Editor of SVT & # 39; s Factor

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