Swede suspected of murder in Oslo, Norway


Heikki Bjørklund Paltto, 24, has never come to work as planned on Monday. According to the Norwegian daily Dagbladet, he was reportedly murdered in the apartment he shared with three others.

The act was committed Monday morning.

The same day, a knife was taken in a garage near the residence of Heikki Bjørklund Paltto. In connection with the theft, the suspect got rid of his cell phone and a leather case.

Heikki Bjørklund Paltto is suspected of being murdered at his home in Oslo on Monday.

Photo: private

Swedish citizen wanted

The Norwegian police came out with pictures of what she suspects of being guilty of murder and knife.

At a press conference Sunday morning, Grete Link Metlid, police inspector in Oslo, said that he had become sought after by the international community.

It is a 20-year-old Swedish citizen of Uppsala, police said at the press conference. He is known earlier by the Swedish police.

The Norwegian police have now given the name of Makaveli Lindén.

Previously, he called Christian Bo Lindén, writes the police in a press release.

"It's in demand all over the world," said Grete Metlid Link.

"When he is still uncontrollable, we choose to go out with the name to see if he can give us more information about where he is located.

Grete Lien Metlid, police inspector in Oslo.

Photo: Dagbladet TV

Police believe Makaveli Linden, after leaving Norway, left Norway to go to Sweden, but may have later moved to another country.

"We're getting high because he may have left Sweden, he's not caught yet, we're working with him," says Grete Link Metlid.

According to the Norwegian police, he hackers him now, writes Aftonbladet.

"We hope that we will soon catch this person or that she will contact the police where she is now," said Grete Metlid at the Oslo Police Station.

The Swedish police searched for Makaveli Lindén at several addresses without joining him.

"You have searched for the addresses you think you can find, but you have not found them," said Ivan Åslund, commander of the RLC for the Mitt Police District.

"I just know that it's not found yet, at least not here in our area.

According to Ivan Åslund, these are addresses in the district of Uppsala, where he comes from.

– More regions can certainly be involved. The Norwegian police have asked us to look at the addresses we know so to speak.

In prison

Makaveli Lindén was recently handed over to the GT after being sentenced to prison. He had been sentenced to one and a half years in prison for robbery.

Aftonbladet writes that he has since been suspected of new crimes also in Sweden, including illegal threats and drug-related offenses.

Makaveli Lindén had already been imprisoned and, according to the information he had, his stay in the establishment would have been problematic and he would have had several incidents with other prisoners. Although he was one of the youngest in his department, he often stressed the importance of the respect shown to him by other prisoners, according to the task of Expressen.

At the same time, the Norwegian and Swedish police are now collaborating.

"We are now working on the seizure of the person and that person should submit to the police," Grete Lien Metlid said.

– If someone knows where it is: report it to the police so we can locate it as quickly as possible. It is important to catch him and hear what he has to say.

Several findings were made

The police confirm at the same time that several transactions have been concluded, but does not want to know if the murder weapon was found.

– There have been several key results, but I do not want to answer that in detail. The person we are looking for is at liberty, so she will have to explain it, explains Grete Link Metlid.

The same applies to the subject.

– Yes, we have an idea. But, as I said, we are in a phase where we have more advice. Then it's important to have it explained, "says Grete Lien Metlid.

Police in Oslo believe that victims are chosen in a summary way.

"The theory that the victims of murder and theft are random has been reinforced," says Grete Lien Metlid, at the World Walk.

Kristian Ljungberg at the Swedish National Police Press Center:

– We can confirm that a Swedish citizen is requested via Interpol. We can not tell you how we work with the case because we do not reveal our methods. But in general, we can say that we have very good cooperation with the police authorities of other countries, and of course this includes the police of neighboring countries.

Monday at noon, the police went to the apartment in Oslo where the 24-year-old man was found dead.

Photo: Henning Lillegård / Dagbladet

Police surveillance photos

The images published by the police come from a surveillance camera at the Skøyen station in Oslo. Your police think the police wanted to leave the scene of the assassination.

One of the pictures shows a tattoo on the human hand, but to the Norwegian media, the police say they do not want to talk about it anymore. After the images were released by the police on Friday, many people heard about the police.

Norske Dagbladet wrote that the owner of the station kiosk had made one of the suspect's last sightings at 1:16 pm Monday.

But the fact that he did not react to it was special with him.

"He was in the kiosk for a few minutes and did something," said the owner of the kiosk in Dagbladet.

"It was special, but we have good cohesion, so that's good," he said of feelings he felt after learning what their client was suspected of.

Swedish pratade

Another witness told him that on Monday morning he woke up knocking on the front door.

"When I opened the door, he stood there and looked scared.He asked about a glass of water.I closed and locked the and took a glass of water while I was out and waiting, said the witness to VG.

Policemen outside the crime scene.

Photo: Henning Lillegård / Dagbladet

The witness believes that the person who knocked on the door is the same person that the police call.

– I still feel the face and the mustache. And the tattoo, said the witness to VG.

The man should also have spoken Swedish, said the witness

"He spoke Swedish, mumbled and spoke badly, but he was polite.

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