Sweden hopes for a U21 World Cup success


S: T PETERSBURG. The eighth final against Switzerland awaits Sweden.

John Guidetti and Victor Nilsson Lindelöf draw parallels with the 2015 M21 gold.

– Do you know the vibrations, that is in the air, says Guidetti.

Three years ago, John Guidetti, Victor Nilsson Lindelöf, Ludwig Augustinsson, Isaac Kiese Thelin and Oscar Hiljemark Sweden led the U21 European Championships. Now they are in a new playoff with Sweden in the World Cup – and many of the players see similarities between the U21 national team then and the A national team now.

– Do you think vibrations feel a bit like flying? It's a good mood. I have a good feeling in the body. I think that can go any way. I do not see any obstacles to this group, says John Guidetti and continues to shout big to the team:

– I do not think the team falls or relies on a player, it is a sacred group. Anyone can do it, I would not be shocked if Micke (Lustig) fought the game against the Swiss and won by 2-0


Alexander Milosevic, Victor Nilsson Lindelöf and John Guidetti U21 Gold

"Becomes so much easier when you enjoy it"

Sweden then took the gold with a style of play similar to that of now. Victor Nilsson Lindelöf also makes great parallels with the group's atmosphere.

– At U21 we also had a good team job and everyone worked together and did everything together. It's the same here. Everyone works really hard for each other and likes to be with each other. It's very easy to get to the national team when that's it. It's very nice, nice guys who are there. It will be so much easier when you are comfortable with each other, "he says.

If it is the same success for Sweden, this time remains to be seen. Ludwig Augustinsson, in any case, hopes for a new U21 trip when the World Cup final launches Switzerland on Tuesday.

– It's a bit like really feeling. We had several times with U21 where we also did unreal things, like the playoff against France and the last-minute goal against Turkey before that. We built it for a long time and it seems like we did it too. I hope we can continue, he says.


Here is Sweden going to break Switzerland

Soccer World Cup in Russia 2018 00:51

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