Sweden Leads Alliance for Global Agreement on Chemicals – Pages


Today, there is no way to know if products made outside the EU are safe or dangerous for the environment, "said Minister of the Environment, Karolina Skog (MP), New York.] The meeting included South Africa, the United States, Uruguay, France, the United States, and the United States. Germany, Argentina, Finland, who have all shown interest in the alliance.It is also the European Commissioner for the Environment, Erik Solhem.It is n & # 39; It is not yet clear which countries and actors will join the alliance.

The world's largest plastic manufacturer is China, however, the country shines by its absence at the meeting today.

China is not in the alliance but we are in contact with them.It is obviously important to have a contact with them, but it is common that they are deferred in such contexts ", explains Karolina Skog

. Today there is a regulatory framework based on companies submitting products containing chemicals in Europe is responsible for safety. However, this is not enough to achieve the sustainability goals in the 2030 Agenda, considers Forest.

One of the biggest obstacles to plastic recycling is that there is no information on what plastic contains.

The idea comes from the work that led to the Paris Agreement, where a high-ambition alliance was also driving

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