Sweden prevents EU proposals on digital tax


EU finance ministers can not agree on how digital businesses, such as Google, will be taxed. Sweden is one of the countries still blocking the European Commission's proposal.

The European Commission wants to tax the turnover of digital businesses instead of their profits, and that companies pay taxes in which their services are used.

"It's something that contravenes our basic principles, that property is taxed where it is produced and not where it is consumed," said Magdalena Andersson (S), Sveriges's executive director, the outcome of the meeting.

Sweden is a European leader in digital businesses with companies such as Spotify, and says that a comprehensive solution for digital businesses through the OECD is needed. At the meeting, France therefore suggested that EU rules only come into force if the OECD failed to develop a global regulatory framework for the EU. by 2020, reports Politico. This is a proposal with which Sweden does not agree.

France and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Austria, want EU finance ministers to agree on a digital taxation regime by December.

"We already have eleven countries, of which almost twelve with Spain, which have national solutions for digital taxation.If we do not find a solution before December, we will have perhaps fifteen or twenty national solutions" said Austrian Finance Minister Hartwig Löger at the end of the meeting.

But to make a decision, all EU member states must agree, which Magdalena Andersson thinks will not happen before the start of the year.

– This is not possible with the existing proposal.

Magdalena Andersson is also convinced that the question of what the Swedish government will look like in the future will not affect her position.

"With the discussions we had in parliament, I can not imagine a government being about to change.

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