Swedish Democrats and True Finns met – seeking legitimacy throughout Europe


Earlier, at the time of Timo Soini, the Sannfinians did not want to associate with the Swedish Democrats. Now the map is drawn. The parties are in the same group in Europe – as the secretary of the SD party thinks – and they performed together on stage in Pori.

A few weeks ago, the Swedish Democrats were elected to the Conservative Group of the European Parliament. The real Finns and the Danish People's Party are seated.

And in the Christmas hat they play on the same stage as the Sannfinians, who invite them to their party in the Finnish arena in Björneborg

borders. The true Finns now, under the direction of Jussi Halla-Aho would like to cooperate with SD. And the British Conservatives, who have never liked to choose the SD in the same group, are no longer fighting for the composition of the European Parliament with just a year for the brexit.

Peter Lundgren MEP of the Swedish Democrats, says that this has changed the attitude of the party.

Party Secretary Richard Jomshof tells HBL that it is about gaining legitimacy

– Ukip and Nigel Farage were a model for us, but now that they have gone through Brexit, they will not be part of the EU, "says Jomshof about the previous group in which they were. EFDD

– What we need now is to cooperate with a larger group of parties close to us. It is to show that we have friends in other countries if we want to be a credible government party. It is clear that this gives legitimacy. We are part of a group with, for example, the conservatives, says Jomshof

But when the conservatives are gone, there are also other big parties in Europe: the Polish government party Law and Justice is one of the group's most likely groups. after the tories. Poland is currently the subject of the rule of law Commission

Jomshof predicts that there will be many events in the group and on the European planet after the European elections next May

. . This will change the political map. This has already been done in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic, but also in Austria and Italy, there are those who want to move Europe in another direction.

– We are lucky to become the most important group, I think. We have parties that deal with euroskepticism, immigration, Islamization, issues of value. This will happen a lot next year, but it's just as I wonder

The leadership of the party in the True Finns was one aspect of the process.

"Your success is good for us"

Jussi Halla-aho drawing on the Pori stage several parallels between them. The special mentions have been repeated several times by other parties.

– In Finland, we are closely watching your development. The stigma attached to the SD seems to have been a model for the way traditional parties treat us, "says Halla-aho

– But that must change with you now, and after that it changes with us. Your success is a good thing for us, Halla-aho says.

He refers to the Swedish legislative elections this autumn, where opinion polls give the Swedish Democrats the second party with more than twenty percent of electoral support. in the 2015 government – barely classified as stigma – Halla-aho does not resume, but relegates to the way the party was expelled last summer when he returned to the election report.

To start working together more in the Nordic region and Europe maturing process of the holiday. Lundgren raised image problems when people "googlar like what happened before".

– We must bet that we must have good politicians.

Jomshof says that other groups also have cross-border cooperation – Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals.

– Then our parties must also cooperate. It is necessary to be a collective political force against the other parties.

He sees similarities between True Finns and Swedish Democrats in the context of immigration, culture, family policy, "this society needs a collective value" .

– Sweden should have a policy on immigration and assimilation 30 or 40 years ago.

"We can get 25%"

Jomshof says the map has already been redesigned before the election in Sweden – before there were two big parties, Now he's three big, he says, and judges that the SD can reach 25 percent in the elections.

– I think we are entering government, the question is whether this is happening now or in the next election. The goal is that no one can form a government without taking SD into account, says Jomshof, who was happy to be invited to Pori

– I have family roots in Pori, so that's what I'm saying. is good.

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