Takida singer Robert Pettersson is married


On wednesday, the married couple Robert Pettersson, 39, and Dea Norberg, 44 years old. The wedding took place in Dea's childhood home, Farm Pagelsborgs in Järnavik, Blekinge

"It was a very special feeling to live a wedding at home." It became a magical event in real farmland … Horse and wagon (driven by my niece Tuva) and beautiful music under the oaks of the dear! "writes Dea Norberg in an email to Aftonbladet.

Robert Pettersson is a Takida singer and the Foundation and Dea Norberg are well-known choir singers. She was part of the Melodifestival from 2003 to 2006 as well as from 2009 and has participated several times in the Eurovision Song Contest.

Charlotte Perrelli attended the wedding

Schlagerdrottningen Charlotte Perrelli was one of 70 guests during the wedding. In her Instagram, she shared a beautiful tribute to the couple in love.

"These two, love is in the air," she wrote on her Instagram.

https://www.instagram.com/p/BlqG5djAIcY /? hl = sv & taken-by = laperrelli

Singer was suffering from depression

Robert Pettersson has already told SVT that he has been suffering from depression periodically for many years. In 2017, the singer was forced to put his summer rhythm in the program "Summer in P1".

Pettersson talked about suicide attempts and how he transcended it in "Malou after 10". The singer recounted a period when he self-medicated with alcohol and closed the psyche

– Then he woke up on a sterile bed. I went out and on the psyche I do not know how many times he said in the podcast "Värvet".

Expressen applied for Dea Norberg.

READ MORE: The singer puts on his summer pot

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