Tasks: Google paid Andy Rubin hundreds of millions of dollars and silenced charges


In 2014, Andy Rubin, also called "father of androids", left Google.

The New York Times now publishes reports that Rubin had to leave the giant after a sexual assault investigation.

The allegations, which should be considered credible, should have caused Andy Rubin to leave the company. With him, he received a $ 90 million parachute, at the current exchange rate of SEK 800 million, and thanked him for his tribute.

A number of other leaders would also have had to leave parachutes as a result of similar allegations. The reasons for their full use will also not be communicated to the outside.

The New York Times indicates that Google was not required to pay such sums, but that it did it anyway. The agreement included that Andy Rubin could not work for Google's rivals or talk about the company.

Google has also reported no incidents violating company rules.

In a statement, Google, without commenting on the current case, writes that he is investigating, is acting and even rejects.

"In recent years, we have strongly criticized the unsuspecting behavior of those in positions of responsibility, and we are working hard to continue to improve the management of this behavior."

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