Tasks: Talks with IFK Gothenburg | Gothenburg after


Nigerian Tiki taking football development to the final of the 2017 Gothia Cup, Alhassan Yusuf impressed a lot.

IFK Göteborg got the eyes of the midfielder's song.

They invited him to a test show. They welcomed it in the summer.

He has been training with the club for several weeks. And now it remains on a permanent basis, that the TV channel was the first to report.

After completing 18 years on Friday, Alhassan Yusuf agreed with IFK Gothenburg on a contract. We expect it to be public at the time.

Yusuf participated in both training camps of IFK Gothenburg during the summer holidays. Among other things, he scored two goals when a combination of Dalarna was defeated by 8-1.

– He has a very big push in his game, is constantly moving and has a good spelling, so he is very interesting, Sports Director Mats Gren said earlier.

At the end of May, IFK Göteborg presented a collaboration with just Tiki Taka football development. It will be extended in 2020.

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