Tax for a strong defense – South East


  MEP Gunnar Hökmark (M) pleaded for the Swedish defense to receive increased resources for the renovation, which will include the purchase of new JAS plans.


MEP Gunnar Hökmark (M) pleaded for the Swedish defense to have increased resources for the renovation, which will include the purchase of new JAS plans.

A new world order is in progress. If it's Trump, with Putin, we can discuss it

The United States is not the same country as it was before. Controlled by Trump, it entails the weakening of international organizations, the UN, the G8, NATO and the EU. Trade agreements must be between countries, not in common institutions with rules equal to all, is the Trump line.

To this is the defense policy. The strategic situation for Sweden has deteriorated. The storm power that Russia has created And acts aggressively near Sweden and other countries around the Baltic and the North Atlantic, with planes, boats and exercises.

NATO, Norway and Denmark and the Baltic States depend on the United States and its military. The United Kingdom and France do not have conventional military capabilities.

Apart from NATO, there is Sweden and Finland. They initiated military cooperation between them, and in the case of Sweden with Britain.

How contacts and insurance with the United States are, for Sweden, unclear. Certainly, there are host country agreements with NATO and other collaborations, on intelligence tasks, between our country and the United States.

Article 5, concerning the help in case of war like Natolander. In itself, the reliability of the article vis-à-vis the United States is now questioned. But on paper, the United States is forced to help the NATO countries if they ask for help.

The days around Trump and Putin include several portraits of the new situation in Europe. For example, Claire Berlinski in Haaretz. /7.

In the Baltic States he is preparing for war if Russia is to attack, as in Georgia, Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. It was described in Expressen by Fredrik Sjöshult 16/7

In today's News, in the debates of July 16, the President of the European Parliament Gunnar Hökmark (M) pleaded for the defense to quickly increase resources for rehabilitation. 40 billion crowns are mentioned. This will be for the purchase of weapons, from the latest version of Jas (E / F), via submarines and archer to robots and armed forces.

The moderate Hökmark comes with a long wish list when his party is in opposition. The eight years the moderates ruled that he was lured to the defense. Finance Minister Anders Borg (M) was cut in 2007, which led to the presence of Defense Minister Mikael Odenberg, who wanted a higher defense budget. Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt (M) said the defense was a "special concern".

Indeed, the defense projection, as a percentage of GDP, had also decreased before the S government before 2007. But this year, Russia was able to start a renovation. The following year, Russian troops entered Georgia.

The Hökmark party now offers tax reductions of a tax deduction on labor of 22 billion SEK (per year). The way it should accompany a sharp increase in defense capabilities is not clear.

It is possible that the deterioration of the security policy requires an upgrade. In this case, there are no tax cuts that the bourgeois parties and the Swedish Democrats want. If necessary, tax increases are required.

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