Television: Ajeti saved the crossing with a free kick in overtime


Photo: C Plus.

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AFC Eskilstuna was hurting on the outside – but secured Sweden's sword.
This, after Bajram Ajeti's free kick 96 minutes into the game. 2-2.

AFC Eskilstuna had the opportunity to secure third place in the table before the evening meeting and qualify for the game in English next season. When Örgryte hit the BK Halmstad earlier in the day, the team had even better defended the record.

However, instead of doubling the cold showers in the first half. Joakim Runnemo raised the score to 1 – 0 with 35 minutes gone, and immediately before the half time, the score was 2-0. When Täbylaget was given a penalty at the start of the second half, many spectators thought the problem was clear: a loss of the AFC count, but Runnemo missed the penalty instead and equalized again.

The AFC Eskilstuna got a new jump and continued to advance, which also gave a dividend. First, the summer acquisition hit Bajram Ajeti 57 minutes from 1-1, then he scored again in the sixth overtime on a free kick to 2-2.

Ajetis double has therefore scored a center and a point, which means that AFC now has four points, ahead of Örgryte in third place and HBK in fourth place with a remaining round of the season.

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