Temporary stop for legal 3D weapons


Photo: Jay Janner / AP / TT

Cody Wilson with his weapon "The Liberator", made by a 3D printer. Image archive

An American court has put a spoke in the wheels for the possibility of downloading drawings in a completely legal manner on pieces of weapons that can then be printed with a 3D printer. The decision was made a few hours before the publication of the drawings online.

Eight States appealed the decision to grant Distributed Defense Company permission to publish 3D weapons drawings on its website

. pose a great danger to US citizens.

The drawings allow you to print parts of a weapon that is relatively simple to build together. Many people worry about the lack of serial numbers in these weapons and can not be traced. In addition, they are difficult to detect when they are made of plastic and do not give rise to metal detectors.

Distributed Defense, not hesitant to oppose stricter arms legislation in the United States, gets a multi-year legal battle in 2013. But on June 29 this year, the decision was been taken that the government decided to cancel its part.

Company lawyer Josh Blackman said Tuesday that the drawings had been uploaded to the company's website already on Friday. The publication of these files is now illegal under federal law, says Judge Lasnik

– There are 3D printers in colleges and public spaces and the likelihood of potentially irreparable damage is great, says Lasnik.


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