Terrorist police alert – better preparation for the World Cup final


PARIS The French police came out with a warning of terror before the final of the World Cup between France and Croatia. 110,000 police officers have been hired and the Eiffel Tower will be closed, writes Sunday Express

Paris police chief Michel Delpuech warns that the country must not lose sight of the real and continuing terrorist threat directed against France by various Islamic groups. As a result, police, anti-terror and intensive ambulance will be activated before the final of the World Cup between France and Croatia.

– We are doing everything in our power to ensure that nothing interferes, despite the fact that the terrorist threat remains at the highest level. Gerard Collomb, according to Sunday Express

About 12,000 police and 3,000 rescuers will watch Sunday the streets and suburbs of the French capital. Police officer Michel Delpuech also promises 2,000 specially trained anti-terrorist specialists

– We must never forget that we live in a time when terrorist threats are a reality. A threat from the inside.

For security reasons, the Eiffel Tower will be closed due to its proximity to the Champ de Mars Park, where approximately 90,000 spectators are expected for the World Cup final.

More than 250 people were victims

Not only in Paris is the best preparation, the terrorist recommendation applies throughout France. A total of 110,000 police and security officers were called and received specific instructions from the Ministry of the Interior prior to the event.

In total, more than 250 people were victims of Islamic terrorism in France

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