The 2018 O-ring is finally inaugurated. | Örnsköldsvik home page | Web 7


– Me and all our organization are looking forward to welcoming you all very warmly on the High Coast. We are very proud of our part of the world and the arrangement we have prepared for you, "says Clas Engström, Secretary General of the O-Ring on the High Coast.

Opposed the scene, where the General Secretary of Key Engström flags in the wind. Runners from around the world traveled to Örnsköldsvik to lead the five stages.

Västernorrland County Governor Berit Högman has also attracted the attention of many international visitors

– To begin, I welcome all our international guests. I really hope you enjoy this event, "she says in English

City Council Chair Glenn Nordlund (S) sent a message to all counselors.

– Make sure to enjoy. Make sure to do the experiment. Be sure to relay yourself when you are still here in the heart of the High Coast.

Malin Sundeby and Aaron Axelsson were responsible for the opening ceremony. After all the talk was over, Niclas Lundin's live music hit between the many tents of Square O-Ring.

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