The AnnaGerda loop is open – Kinda –


Monday at the opening of Anna Gerda's loop, there was an expected gathering at the smithy near Föllingens beach

– In autumn 2017, work Cultural started to lighten the atmosphere in some parts of Östgötaleden in Kinda. In this way, we want to create greater interest around the Östgötaleden, the beautiful nature and our local authors, and the rich culture that lies in Östergötland. Britt-Louise Nilsson from Region Östergötland

– This combination of health care and cultural features will cover the county's 13 municipalities. The first was Omberg with the loop of Ellen Keys and the municipality of Kinda is now the second municipality where it is created. On October 19th, we turned to Anna Helldorff and Gerda Antti with a request and the work began, Nilsson continues.

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Lena Käcker Johansson leads the group held by Ann-Louise Södersten and is supervised by Anna Helldorff and Gerda Anti.

Anna Helldorff and Gerda Antti are asked about the work that went on until the loop was ready.

– It was rewarding and worked well. Together we chose ten quotes from my book "Livet Omkring", says Gerda Antti.

– This was so nice to get illustrations of Gerda's thought. Before Blågula's opening group was cut by Lena Käcker Johansson, President of Kinda City Council and Vice President of Nature and Open-Air Council, she held an opening ceremony. 19659014] Article image "width =" 768 "height =" 444 "title =" Anna Helldorff or Gerda Antti visar stolt upp sina skapelser. "/>


Anna Helldorff and Gerda Antti proudly show their creations

– We market the Östgötaleden in the best possible way in nature and in the open-air council. Getting to know our good tracks is good for public health and to increase motivation we have also published some literature quotes over a distance of two kilometers from Föllingsö after Sandshult and up to Garpelider, Käcker Johansson informs

– It's going to combine nature with culture and now we hope that many will be part of our Östgötaled loop and especially AnnaGerda, concludes Käcker Johansson.

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On the lake, Helldorff and Antti look at their illustrated quotes

During the part of the loop that the company visited during the inauguration, everyone stops and appreciates the quotes and beautiful paintings that create something beautiful along the eastern gothic valley.

Jerker Carlsson, along the promenade, informs about the old road between Kisa and Eksjö, of which Östgötaleden is part before returning to the cold cider waiting for the smithy.

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