The Apple House scheduled in Kungsträdgården is now posted in the house of the technical department.


The house of the Fleminggatan Technical Department is the Stockholm Town Planning Tower. The massive brick complex of the 1960s includes the city's office of construction and operation.

The dark red house of the building now houses a mini-variant of the flagship house proposed by Apple, which will be located in Kungsträdgården if the business is closed. The miniature model was built for consultation of the house plan, which means that stockholmers, authorities and expert bodies can share their opinions.

Construction plans have been criticized for their commercial nature.

– Kungsträdgården is the most important park in the city, a place that all Stockholm residents visit. This is the wrong place for an electronics store. More importantly, we had seen that there was no building there, "says Henrik Nerlund, secretary of the Beauty Council

. Today 's restaurant is that of Friday, which, according to Henrik Nerlund, is big and messy. He does not want to comment on the aesthetic design of Apple because he believes that there would be some kind of legitimacy of the plans.

– For example, London and Washington, Apple put his store in an already existing building.

The store plans were also questioned because the deal would be closed at night, which, according to consultant Sweco, would make the site feel like fate in the evening .

Despite the fact that experts and experts have been against the plans, politicians at City Hall have been almost unanimously positive – all parties except KD want Apple to build an on-site store.

– It is very good that people leave their views. Then we will take a position when we receive them in September, says Jan Valeskog, Council of Citizens City Council (S).

What do you think of the house itself?

– I would like to wait to talk until the arrival of the results of the consultation. A sad answer, unfortunately, he says

Will you prevent plans from being made if you get a lot of negative opinions?

– You have the right to build there. Part of the decision-making process is about the feedback we receive. But it is clear that the policy will decide the design of the project.

The land currently belongs to the city of Stockholm, which gives it to Apple. The first proposal at the Apple House from 2016 has been criticized by politicians at City Hall.

The Apple House was designed by Foster and Partners, whose founder Norman Foster stands behind high-tech buildings. , London and HSBC Headquarters in Hong Kong. The 83-year-old Briton also designed the new Apple headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., Whose home center has several aesthetic similarities with the planned home in Kungsträdgården.

The consultation period will take place on September 12th. A consultation meeting will also take place on August 23, your audience is welcome.

Facts. Applehuset

The house, designed by the architect Foster and Partners, will be in Kungsträdgården where today's restaurant is located on Fridays. Construction plans are now out of consultation and comments can be submitted to the city's building office until September 12th.

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