The assassination of Jamal Khashoggi shows the true nature of Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia bases its legitimacy on fundamentalist Islam, on Salafism, which means that the medieval texts on the Prophet Muhammad are considered as examples. How can you be surprised that a state that claims to rely on these bestial texts behaves bestial as well?

The murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi seems to have been barbaric and bestial. On October 2, he entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and did not go out anymore. The Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak According to AFP, they heard about sound recordings where it is possible to hear how Khashoggi is interrogated during acts of torture – cut off their fingers and then threw them out.

No civilized state exposes people to such torture. Many points out that Saudi Arabia is late. And Saudi Arabia is not a civilized state.

Instead, it is a state that builds its legitimacy on fundamentalist Islam, on Salafism, which means that the medieval texts on the Prophet Muhammad are considered as examples. And more than that. The prophet always has the last word.

Looking at the rule and justice found in these texts, it is a theocracy. Religion determines everything. There, the freedom of expression is subordinated to religious dogmas. And if you look at the crimes and punishments in these texts, you will find torture, stoning and mutilation.

There are clearly many texts that speak of other things, and that can even be understanding and wise. But that does not mean that bad things are not there. And none of the Saudi Imams has until now declared that Muhammad had been deceived.

How can you be surprised that a state that claims to rely on these bestial texts behaves bestial as well? Should not this be expected? Moreover, we know that the Saudi theocratic dictatorship caresses people continuously. The judiciary is a slaughterhouse.

What is the difference between the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (IS) and what might be called the Islamic State of Saudi Arabia (ISS)? They are so similar because they are essentially based on the same texts and beliefs. It is no coincidence that the IS and the Saudi regime are killing people. They received it from the same source.

In the biography of Muhammad of the Swedish Orientalist dating back to 1930 – a book that anyone who wants to understand Islam should read – a less flattering episode is told in the life of the prophet. A Jewish poet named Ka'b ibn Al-Ashraf had "particularly taken bitter prophetic hatred". The reason was that the poet dictated satirical verses. "Muhammad", notes the cinema, "because his compatriots are generally very sensitive to poetic satire.Such insults have not forgotten him."

Then explain what happened when the Prophet Muhammad sent his men to kill Ka & b. They extirpated him from his home by means of a list: they claimed to be dissatisfied with the regime of Muhammad. When Ka'b came out, they threw him under the shout Allahu Akbar. Mohammed was very happy.

But while the IS is being bombed, you are selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. The question is, how long will the patience of the United States and the rest of the Western world suffice? Because Saudi Arabia is not only a problem for its own citizens, especially for those who think and want to express their thoughts, but also for us.

The scheme finances missionary activities in the Western world. Salafism is spreading, the flow of Islam that underlies Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Several Swedish imams and ministers were trained at the Salafist "University" School of Medina.

In the autumn of 2016, Stefan Löfven went to Saudi Arabia to fight for the creature of the dictatorship. However, he would not describe the country as a dictatorship. "I do not want to label countries," he said. But it's not just a label, but a correct description.

Jihadism does not occur in a vacuum, but results from beliefs and indoctrination. And because of the spread of Salafism and Islamic fundamentalism in general, freedom of expression is also threatened. The massacre of the editorial team of the French satire newspaper Charlie Hebdo shows how serious the threat is.

15 of the 19 aircraft of the largest jihadist attack on the West, the September 11 attacks, came from Saudi Arabia. And the entire terrorist group was led by a Saudi uncle, Osama bin Laden, who fell out of favor because he believed in a version of Salafism even more extreme and even more violent than the Saudi regime. It should be noted that the opposition in Saudi Arabia consists not only of defenders of freedom of expression, but also of a strong voice that calls for a stricter application of sharia law.

It is possible that Crown Prince Salman did not know anything about the murder, but the regime, which is more powerful than the Crown Prince, would have nothing to do, at least I can not believe it. The same Western media as the "Arab Spring" a few years ago celebrated Crown Prince Salman as a revival, moderate in his Islamic and modern interpretation. There are reasons to be skeptical.

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