The biggest case of cocaine in ten years


Three men charged with trafficking 298 kg of red cocaine were successful during the day. This is the biggest cocaine problem, expressed in volume, as the Customs Act has done in ten years.

Customs seized 150 bags containing red powder. Now three men are accused of smuggling.picture: customs Service

The cocaine was mixed with red pigments to lighten the customs and many say it was not the first time that cocaine was smuggled in this way. A company outside Helsingborg had to steal cocaine in Colombia. The company should also have received an identical import, albeit slightly lower, last fall.

According to the prosecutor Michael Hansson, the color of cocaine should not hit the target.

"You will have a red nose if you slip it, but you can use it, but we could show that they have developed chemical registers to clean and whiten them again," he says.

Smuggling was discovered in January when the cargo landed in Spain. On the export documents, it was stated that there were color pigments in the 25 boxes. Cocaine was worth more than 250 million on the street.

According to Michael Hansson, the goal is not very different from other major drug problems, with the exception of size.

– The goals have become bigger. While the 2012 Supreme Court has significantly reduced the penalties for drug offenses by half, fighting has increased, he said.

The three accused denied the crimes. Two of the men, including one of the company's owners, are charged with particularly serious drug trafficking and attempted particularly serious drug offenses. The third man is charged with a particularly serious drug-related offense attempt.

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