"The biggest dog in the world" is dead – Zsa Zsa is 9 years old


With bulging tongue, protruding teeth and prey for dried meat, English bulldog Zsa Zsa became the most comprehensive dog winner in the world last month. On Tuesday, Zsa Zsa left, she was nine, writes the NY Times.

Her owner and dad Megan Brainard of Anoka City, Minnesota, USA, tells her that the dog is dead and she has not had any health problems. According to the American Kennel Club, the average lifespan of bulldogs is eight to ten years.

Zsa Zsa's life began modestly when she spent her first five years on a Missouri farm before being auctioned off and purchased by a rescue team. Megan Brainard took care of her and Zsa Zsa spent the days sleeping around and refused to make many knots unless the food was involved. His favorite food was the Slim Jim Snack and Steak Burritos.

But his life changed dramatically after winning a contest in Petaluma, California on June 23. By the way, it was "the biggest dog in the world". His family drove 30 hours by car from Minnesota to California to bring him to the competition. The competition was launched in tribute to "ugly" dogs to enjoy all types of dogs – regardless of appearance.

Zsa Zsa with her favorite goddess Slim Jim. Image Source: Twitter

The appearance of Zsa Zsa has created a hard competition for opponents: dry and swaying heavy, hard underbite with teeth that have almost rubbed the nose and that 's all over the place. she dragged a lot.

Megan explained that she had to wear it on stage and lure it with Slim Jim to impress the jury. At the end of the competition, only Zsa Zsa and thirteen other dogs remained in the title.

After winning, she became as glamorous as Zsa Zsa Gabor the famous actress whose name she bears. Fans started using sweaters adorned with his face. She also visited New York to appear on national television, then she was able to fly in first class

– I had the impression of traveling with Brad Pitt or someone else. one on the other. People shouted his name and he was crazy, said Megan Brainard.

Last week in the life of Zsa Zsa, the world learned what the mat knows all the time: when it comes to love, appearance does not appear. not important.

Read also why you should never let your dog chew a tennis ball. Also read if the dog died after a walk in the heat – now the owner wants to warn other pet owners.

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