The brothers won a big fishing competition – for the second time


The brothers won a big fishing competition – for the second time – Smålänningen


The brothers Andreas and Tony Andersson in Ljungby are professionals in pike fishing. They have proved it again.
"We were shocked when we landed," he says.


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The visitor goes to the Östrabo Episcopal Farm in Växjö in a very bright and very glass art. The house, built in 1796, has been restored for nearly eight million crowns. It's mostly the interior that has been refreshed and painted in bright colors.

From the weekly crown of Knutte Holm to Smålänningen. As a child, Rolf Wenander created his own newspapers. Today, he is 75 years old and regularly stays in Smålänningen. A life at the service of the writer.

"Today, the old old foundry will flourish even more," says Johan Hård of Empleo, who, with Combi Wear Parties, seeks light and seeks to new welders.

Now, the most beautiful city in Sweden has been voted. And in the list of the ten least attractive cities we find Ljungby.

Troja bounced back after losing to Vimmerby and won three points in a tie match against Kallinge-Ronneby.
Special themes have become crucial both offensive and defensive.

This could be the Konecranes test on trucks that cause noise in the Ulvaryden industrial area. There may also be traffic on the E4. A noise survey will explain, hopefully the municipality of Markaryd.

One in three people working in the Ljungby municipality drive to work, even though they live less than three kilometers from their place of work. It is with this information as a starting point, because we can now work to improve the increase of transport in vehicles without fossil fuels.

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