The chilling relationship between countries is changing – News (Ecotourism)


Today, a historic meeting took place when the smiling rulers of Ethiopia and Eritrea met for the first time in nearly two decades

An Unthinkable Scene just a few months ago. A clear sign that the old, very cold relations between the two countries are about to change.

"A fraternal embrace" wrote the Minister of Information of Eritrea on Twitter as a comment to the photos of the home

The visit takes place a month after that. Abiy Ahmed was surprised to announce suddenly that Ethiopia fully accepts the peace agreement that ended the two-year border war between the two countries.

Ethiopia and Eritrea have no diplomatic ties since the beginning of the war in 1998 and the Ethiopian Minister of Foreign Affairs has described this visit as an attempt to normalize relations with Eritrea.

that the telephone line connecting Eritrea and Ethiopia is now open and that it is possible to call Eritrea directly from Ethiopia.

Also considered as an important symbol at a border that was a bit like a Berlin Wall friends without possibility of contacting each other.

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