The cold denial of Anna Anka – after the intervention


Anna Anka was recently forced to apologize in an open letter after attacking Elena Belle in "Svenska Hollywoodfruar".

In this section, Anna Anka criticized her colleague for the program for her maternity, dress style and way of life.

– I do not like that bimbo look, and that's what you show. Hollywood frogs are cool, it's not a treasure hunt, said Anna Anka, among others.

Talk about intervention

Anna Anka and Elena Belle Oense are back on the bill this week in "Swedish Hollywood Frogs".

The argument between the two Hollywood frogs continues when Anna Anka challenges Elena Belle's magical surgery, while reversing her claim that she was undergoing an operation.

Elena Belle tells her that she has had internal surgery after divorcing her abs.

Anna Anka denies

Then she asks Anna Anka – and the atmosphere becomes calm.

"I did not undergo any surgery," said Anna Anka. Elena Belle immediately asked an acute question:

"But you seem to be ten years younger than ten years ago," she insists, then Anna responds:

– Yes, I can agree.

Anna then says that she is much happier now than when she participated in "Swedish Hollywood Frogs" 2009.

But Elena Belle does not seem convinced.

TV3 was forced to a crisis meeting

Even when the four Hollywood monsters Anna Anka, Elena Belle, Maria Montazami and Sofie Prydz are photographed together, problems arise.

"I have no doubt about who will be in the middle.I am I am the star.I stand in front, the others are behind me.Hah, do it, said Anna. Anka.

Later, she gets up and covers Sofie Prydz, leading to an exchange of words where Anna Anka asks her colleague from the program to be quiet.

After the program, TV3 was forced to a crisis meeting and some of the noise was reduced.

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