The controversial prosecutor Kristian Kirk confronts Peter Madsen


Peter Madsen was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Swedish journalist Kim Wall at the end of April

. Shortly after the announcement of the verdict, Madsen appealed to the Land Court. He still denies the murder, but despite the acceptance of the crime, he chose to appeal the sentence.

On Monday, it was clear that the mission of defending Madsen's death sentence is the responsibility of Danish prosecutor Kristian Kirk – a controversial and accused judge.

The 47-year-old prosecutor was noted another role in a court case in 2014 when a Danish Lieutenant Lieutenant was released from charges of gross negligence in Iraq.

The case was on a number of videos and sound recordings that documented the beatings inflicted by Iraqi soldiers on civilians during a Danish military operation in Iraq in 2004. The lieutenant-lieutenant asserted that he was neither known for the aggression nor for the video recordings and several soldiers were changing their stories for the benefit of the lieutenant.

In an interview relating to the case, Kristian Kirk stated that he lacked sufficient evidence to assert that the soldiers had lied to the court, but that "it was extremely striking that They all changed their statements in favor of the defendants ". 19659002] The statement sparked the homage of other prosecutors but also anger in the Danish defense and Kristian Kirk was accused of being "incompetent" and a "legal hiding place".

The case was reopened later in court and in January of this year the Danish defense paid compensation to 18 Iraqi citizens who were victims of abuse during the operation.

Kristian Kirk was also lured as chief prosecutor in Denmark to the attention of the Kunby case where a 17-year-old Kunby girl was sentenced to eight years in prison after planning a terrorist attack against two schools.

The case was noted, among other things, because the girl was converted and quickly radicalized within Islam. In addition, it was the first time that a woman was sentenced by Danish terror law.

Read more: Peter Madsen is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Kim Wall

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