The crisis in the middle of the AIK in front of the gold rider Sunday


AIK goes on the Golden Bird stage without Kristoffer Olsson and Enoch Kofi Adu, both suspended from Kalmar FF, in a match where AIK has the chance to win the SM Gold.

What is required? For AIK to win its twelfth SM Gold Medal, at least one draw requires a win or a win. The big question beforehand was how Rikard Norling had to shape his midfield and it was not easy to predict in advance.

Larsson's message to Kalmar FF

Sebastian Larsson is injured against Gif Sundsvall and has essentially battled the clock to recover from the dramatic decision made on Sunday.

– I really hope that I play. We feel better and then we'll see when Rikard gets rid of the group. Obviously, I hope and I will play, "said Larsson.

What did you receive for rehabilitation?

"It went well, I took it a little quieter a week to try to get up, the season was long and it's important to see what's best. now he has responded well.

"You have tried to take care of the body as much as possible, but there are signs of wear here and there and Sunday, I felt that it was touching me in. In this situation you can not be selfish just because you want to be on the plane, but you have to let those who can give one hundred percent.

Denni Avdic is one of the options to play in the middle of the field. Rikard Norling usually chooses to use Denni at the end of the matches to ensure a result, but he can now be screened in the air if one of the regular players can not participate.

"I work harder, as before every game, to prepare as much as I can, whether it's at the beginning or the end, and I'm getting ready as I always do," said Avdic.

How would you feel to be thrown directly into warm air?

"I can not say that I thought really different, as I said, I try to focus on what I can influence, then you realize that a lot of things are happening but I do not think you will change anything.

Avdic: "Trying to play my way"

Avdic continues:

"We, the four midfielders, are different in the game, Koffe and Adu have their own, what Larsson and I have, I can not play like the others but try to play my way. if this moves further back or forth, the tactics and the match picture will determine.

The normal play on the right of Daniel Sundgren in a wing role was tentative as one of three midfielders if necessary. Sundgren thinks he's ready to play midfield if the team needs him.

– I've been testing the pocket role all season long. Now, I did not need it anymore, but I kept my peak position, that's where I'm waiting for me to play Sunday. But I'm ready to play anywhere, definitely, "he says.

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