The Dalai Lama comes to Malmö for the first time


The priest of peace and the spiritual leader of the Dalai Lama Tibetan people visit the Malmö Live concert hall this fall. This will be the first time that he will visit Malmö and he will talk about how we can create happier and more peaceful communities. On stage, it becomes a musical company of Lisa Ekdahl and Rickard Söderberg

The Dalai Lama arrives at Malmö this fall – and is accompanied by Rickard Olsson and Lisa Ekdahl Image: AP Photo / Manuel Balce Ceneta [19659004] Sören Vilks Rickard Dighammar

This year, the human resource organization based in Lund fulfills 80 years. They celebrate the invitation of the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of the Tibetan people, to Sweden

Tenzin Gyatso is the fourteenth person in the Dalai Lama plan and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his peace work

. Been to Lund many times. He has a long relationship with IM and is a close friend of IM's founder, Britta Holmström, says Josefina Rovan, Marketing and Communication Manager at IM

How did you choose Malmö this time?

– Malmö is the city of diversity. He visited Lund many times, so now we thought it was time for Malmö. We are one of the few Swedish self – help organizations that have our headquarters in Southern Sweden, in Fabriksgatan in Lund.

The Dalai Lama will hold the speech "The Art of Happiness and Peace" at Malmö Live on 12 September. He will visit several cities in Europe this fall – but Malmö will be the only stop in Sweden

After the speech, the journalist and program manager Kattis Ahlström, who also has a background as secretary general of BRIS, will ask questions to the Dalai Lama. 19659008] Josefina Rovan stresses that it is not the question of Tibet that will be at the heart of the speech. Instead, it is about building peaceful communities based on IM's award-winning "Humanium Metal" initiative.

– It is about melting illegal guns and helping to create peaceful communities. In addition, we are working hard on integration – so there are some high level issues that are highlighted, she says.

Lisa Ekdahl and the opera singer Rickard Söderberg represent the music during the day

"Released in the morning of Tuesday, July 24.

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