The day of the history of victory – Alpina Ski Landslag was the inspiration


This year's Victory Day is celebrated for the fortieth time in Öland and behind it is still the Öland Kay Wiestål profile. About his last day of victory, he reveals all the details of the day.

Kay Wiestål is the former footballer who played for Djurgårdens IF, played professionally in the United States and coached Kalmar FF. But above all, he is the man behind Victory Day, the birthday party of the Crown Princess and the great folk festival of Öland

How does this sportsman have had the idea of ​​organizing a big party for a princess? National Alpine Ski Team. One of the world's most sensitive ski landscapes with Ingemar Stenmark in the lead

– When it became the question of going to barmark camp in the summer, I suggested Kalmar. And then, of course, it was the intellectual property of Fredriksskans to which I thought, says Kay Wiestål.

He told someone to talk about the sports field of IFK Borgholm in Öland, and he called the association. On the other end, Per-Olof Amnér, who convinced Kay, responded that they would instead set up the camp there. It was not only the beginning of a long friendship but also the beginning of the festivities around Victory Day.

When Kay Wiestål saw Borgholm how good he was and how the resurrection was on the camp of the national team, he had an idea. Why not celebrate the newborn Crown Prince on Öland while focusing on sports that the royal family loves so much.

  The former football player Kay Wiestål is the man behind Victory Day.

The former football player Kay Wiestål is the man behind Victory Day

– I was in Stockholm shortly after the birth of Victoria and I was had the opportunity to ask the king my plans. He was positive at the idea, says Kay Wiestål.

Kay and Per-Olof painted a possible arrangement for the celebration and everything became a reality in the early years. Namely Victory Day, Victoriagolfen, Victoriastipendiet, Fairs, Race of the Year and Victory. Just like he looks like today.

– At the beginning, everything was very spartan. In 1978, we had only one hold where the King stood when he handed the very first Victoria Scholarship to Ingmar Stenmark

  The King and Ingemar Stenmark in connection with the legend of the ski receiving the scholarship. Victoria studies.

The King and Ingemar Stenmark on the legend of skiing receiving the Victoria Scholarship

Twenty-five years ago, musical entertainment began to celebrate Victoria. Carola was the first artist to perform, and since then, 120 artists have performed on the main stage of the Borgholm Sports Field as part of Victory Day. Today, many visitors to Öland will already be on the 12th of July and will stay until the 16th of July when the last activity will take place.

Over the years, Kay has had close relationships with the Crown Princess
– We met for many years. It is clear that we have moved closer to each other. I occasionally meet the King family at various sporting events. In the past I was more often in Solliden and at the castle and met them.

  Victoria loves her day, like all the royal family. A very beautiful tradition!

Victoria loves her day, like all the royal family. A very beautiful tradition!

The Kays Per-Olof Amnor riding couple sadly left last year after a sickness of time, and they've never had the opportunity to celebrate Victory Day 2018 together . On July 14, it is the 40th Victory Day, and it will be the last of the Kays.

– Now, I think it's time to define this era. Somewhere you have to hand over and continue. And now I have more time for the family.

In the last two years, Kay and the gang around Victory Day have been working with the production company V.
– He is still negotiating, but it's probably him taking over. They followed us and saw how we work. Hopefully they will be able to preserve Victory Day as the royal family wants, but at the same time find new exciting things.

Photo: Stella pictures, IBL

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