The death sentence of Kim Eriksson Sirawan while he was returning from Thailand


He has been sentenced to death for manufacturing meth – and has been imprisoned for eight years in Thailand.

But now, 37-year-old Kim Eriksson Sirawan is traveling to Sweden.

"We are very happy," says his mother Åsa in Aftonbladet.

Thai police hit the home of Sweden's Kim Eriksson Sirawan in Rayong, near Bangkok, in July 2010. She found a dental laboratory and 53 grams of methamphetamine.

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KEDJOR Kim Eriksson Sirawan, 30, claims to have been the subject of a criminal trial.

Kim Eriksson Sirawan was sentenced to death almost a year later. However, the sentence has been directly converted to life imprisonment, according to the practice of foreigners in Thailand.

Now the Thai authorities have agreed to allow the 37-year-old man to serve the rest of his sentence in Sweden. This message was passed on to his loved ones on Friday, reports Sundsvall newspaper.

"It's very good for him to go home, the documents are submitted to the Swedish Embassy and everything will be ready." We are very happy, says Kim's mother, Åsa Eriksson, in Aftonbladet.

Criticism: Political Judgment

Kim Eriksson Sirawan has been wounded for more than eight years, including in the infamous Bambat Phiset and Bang Kwang prisons in Bangkok. The conditions were very difficult. According to the Sundsvall newspaper, the Swedes shared a cell with up to 60 other prisoners. At one point, an incised knife, sliced ​​at the throat, was only a few feet away from him.

Kim Eriksson Sirawan has always claimed that he was innocently sentenced.

"I'm sad and sad, but most are fed up with the way the Thai legal system has handled all my evidence.It's a joke.The judgment against me is political." between them wanted to catch me, said Kim when Aftonbladet met him in court after the decision.

18 years old in Sweden

After a long process, the Thai court system sentenced Kim to 36 years and eight months in prison. This will increase to 18 years in Sweden. In practice, this may mean that he is released in five years.

It is unclear when he will be transferred to prison in Sweden. Here at home, next to mother Åsa, Kim's wife and eight-year-old daughter are also waiting for him.

"She usually asks where the father is, why he can not be with us and it's hard to explain to a child," his wife told Aftonbladet.

So many people are sentenced to life imprisonment in Sweden a year 0:37

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