The defeat of Örebro at the head of Brynäs


It took a long time for the story of Behrn to become a speechless story.

Then Samuel Asklöf moved on to Brynäs and decided to take stock of Örebro.

"Incredibly nice," said C More, 20.

With three consecutive home teams, it was a confident Örebro who was receiving Brynäs – but during the evening, the team had a lot of trouble placing the puck in the goals.

The goalkeeper, David Rautio, entered the Behrn Arena and became the winner of the match for the visiting team.

Even Örebro's caveman, Stefan Steen, made a remarkable effort, but was allowed to surrender at the end of the last third.

This, when Kristian Näkyvä represented an expensive puck in the offensive zone and invited the guests to a two-to-one position.

"Incredibly same"

Johan Alcén intercepted the puck and played Samuel Asklöf who put the puck in the goal.

– They crawl a little by the blue line. And then, it's a perfect fit for Johan, said Asklöf, who was to score his first goal for the season.

That goal was the only goal of the match and meant that Brynäs was in eighth place while Örebro stayed at twelve in the table.

"It's an incredibly smooth match, there are little things that determine and we get a puck in the end, incredibly well now before the break," Asklöf said.

You have answers to the word – after mockery

Aaron Palushaj, Örebro's new acquisition, did not succeed however.

The Americans were challenged by Just Brynäs this summer when the Gävle club did not meet the payroll requirements. Before the evening meeting, Örebro had tweeted a net message.

"Retweet if you want the brows to be upset," wrote the club to Palushaj's image in the Orebro match podium.

The last word, however, was Brynäs who, via the club's Twitter account, responded with three emojis who laughed after the evening's victory.

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