The double team crushes the writer | entertainment


Groups of "Peasants looking for a woman" are in full swing. It is up to the peasants to know if there are any assets and chemistry among the letter writers, because it is time to invite four to the farm.

Simon Ohlsson, coworker from Öland, came out with four girls and that is, at least, love in the air. Feelings sprout from many sides and edges.

The farmer told Elin that he was fainting when she entered the speed field. For a moment on your hand, they are about to kiss each other.

"There was love in the air when we sat there and I was around her, there was an attraction there, it could have been a kiss. said Simon.

"I think Simon is funny and charming, I'm crazy about Simon," Elin said.

Next time, Simon will be hearing with Sara's letter editor. They are sitting next to each other and the atmosphere becomes scary. In the end, Simon takes courage and kisses Sara.

"It was comfortable," Sara says.

– Sara is very funny and hilarious. She is kind, sweet and very kind. Easy to talk, says Simon.

READ MORE: Kiss disc in "Peasant Looking for a Woman"

"Farmer Seeking Ms." The election ends with strong emotions.

When it's time for Simon to recruit four letter writers on the farm, Elin and Sara are both obvious. But the election ends in tears for Emelie.

– This is a wonderful guy. You want to get to know him better. The feeling of being able to say something and then it will not be. Something serious in the stomach, yes, she said.

"I did not feel any love, I think others took a bigger place," says Simon explaining what he's looking for:

"The best thing that can happen this summer is to find that love, so you think the heart will wear out and float on the clouds.

"Farmer looking for a wife" appears on Wednesdays at 8:00 pm on TV4.

READ MORE: Klas and Sandra from "Farmer Seeking Ms." has ended

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