The drug giant changes after a conversation with Trump


The US pharmaceutical company Pfizer has decided to postpone the price increases of about 100 products after a long discussion with US President Donald Trump to give the president time to implement the reforms of the American health care system . 19659003] The company's shares come in the line of Donald Trump saying that Pfizer should be ashamed of their way of acting.

Pfizer will now postpone the price increases that would have come into effect at the end of the year. Instead, they will come into effect either early in the year or when Donald Trump applies his card to strengthen the health system, whichever comes first.

On Monday, Donald Trump has twisted that Pfizer and others should be ashamed

"They only exploit the poor and others who can not defend themselves, while still agreeing to". other countries in Europe and elsewhere higher prices in the negotiations.! (f, b, e, w, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () { n.callMethod?
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