The education of a comedian is recorded in Tynneredsskolan | Gothenburg after


A door is open and a man dressed in wooden shoes, wind jeans and a mustard yellow t-shirt is running at full speed in the hallway. All repeated is repeated four times.

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It's a movie recording in Tynneredsskolan. The closed school is perfect for 70s movies. There is plenty of space and no school activity to consider. The movie company has even moved their costumes and accessories here. Here, by the way, the new movie Sune, which was premiered for Christmas, was recorded.

READ MORE: Rojda Sekersöz makes a film with Jonas Gardell

In the education of a comedian, Klara Zimmergren plays the main role of the teacher of Juha's character. She attended her college in the 70s and, for her, it's like going back in time.

"I get so much flashback that it's not wise, it was like that, it was very different to be a teacher and a student, there was a barrier between them.

Cabins in the kartroom

Her character disappears from time to time in the karting room where she can take a hut.

"I think it's interesting with the alcohol problems you're trying to hide." It's not in the scenario why she drinks, but I thought: maybe that's Is burnout, maybe she does not want to be a teacher at all, she runs away into the kartroom when it gets too hard for her.

– The film tells the point of view of the child. If one remembers his teachers, one may remember a teacher because he had a strange nasal cat, a kofta or a dialect. And I'm a bit like her with the kartroom, rather extinct and – a little full.

Klara Zimmergren recalls that the last week of the school week was partly painful.

– Some could not get out of skits and plays, they just kept going.

In the movie, Juha, the class clown, is such a guy. The class is getting tired and she is starting to make stories. The teacher is out, enters again, but turns the door because she can not handle the situation.

"I remember how teachers had to pay attention, it was not wise.Today, you build relationships with children as a teacher.

"Skit kul med 70-talet"

The director is Rojda Sekersöz who received a Goldbag for the first film Dream on. She is now in a much larger production.

"It's fun to have the opportunity to make bigger and more advanced scenes," she says.

Jonas Gardell wrote a script and Rojda Sekersöz started working with him already a year before the beginning of the recordings.

– We read and talked and rewrote as needed when conditions changed on the recordings. We are also in constant contact with each other. I will hear it when we need to rewrite the dialogue.

READ MORE: Gardell portrays the public house through deviations

Juha as a youngster is played by Loke Hellberg.

"I think it's crazy with the '70s. This seems to have been an interesting time, I would have liked to experience it," he says.

For Rojda Sekersöz, born in 1989, the era is a bit of a challenge.

"I can not immediately go back to my own memories, my decisions are based on knowledge that I can get from the outside, from the Internet, from my colleagues.

The recordings of an actor 's education began a little over a month ago and have been broadcast to different places in and outside of Gothenburg. For example, winter scenes with lots of artificial snow have been recorded in an area of ​​villas in Hisingen that will represent Juha Street. In fact, the whole story takes place in Stockholm, but only one scene was recorded there: an outside theater where the adult Juha works (Johan Rheborg).

The education of a comedian

Movie based on Jonas Gardell's 1992 growth show.

Director: Rojda Sekersöz.

In the roles: Johan Rheborg (Juha in adulthood), Loke Hellberg (Juha also young) Elisabet Xie (Jenny). Teo Dellback (Matt Teo) Klara Zimmergren (Mrs.), etc.

First: scheduled for autumn 2019.

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