The embarrassing lack of Carola Häggkvist – with Ronan Keating


On Thursday, Carola Häggkvist and Ronan Keating, known to the Boyzone band, were celebrated by the Norwegian public after a duet in "Allsang on the Border".

Duon played with the song "No matter what" and everything seemed fine – it was Carola himself who revealed to Instagram that something had gone wrong.

At a video where they both sing the song, she says:

"When evil is wrong!" Here we sing the wrong chorus according to what we practiced but no one notices anything and the orchestra plays as usual I can not wait to feel "

READ MORE : Carola surprised everyone in the subway city = carolaofficiell

"Like Bambi in the Hall "

In the clip, Ronan and Carola are getting married and continue as if nothing had happened.

" It gives me a lot of space but I 've really got it. Bambi print in the lobby is just for o so needs her help with the text .. and then I find myself in a difficult sentence to get me out .. but few notice: I can not believe what I believe .. including. (In fact, "I can not deny what I believe, I can not be what I am not!") "

The artists and the production took the break with peace and could even be safe. but rejoice afterwards. "But it was a feeling and a feeling of nervousness, so the builder and the TV bus would like to keep it! We offered it and laughed after it. Nice Ronan! Stable, professional and humble, "writes Carola

. In recent days, she has honored her colleague many times. Carola believes Ronan Keating is a "nice guy" as she writes on her Instagram.

READ MORE: Angry at Katrin Zytomierska after the image of Carola


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