The Ernst luxury building was illegal – the message after the neighboring noise


During the "Summer with Ernst" season on TV4, Ernst Kirchsteiger has given new life to the rich Kånsta mill in Hallsberg.

But the cities were unhappy that TV4 Production chose to renovate the cultural-historical building from 1858.

The Operations and Service Committee of the Municipality of Hallsberg granted a building permit to the production company on April 12th. But the municipality did not inform the villagers that the plant would be rebuilt and would become a registration site.

This was not the only mistake: the municipality had not sent any building permit documents to the concerned owners.

Nerikes Allehanda now reports that the building permit issued by the municipality has been suspended and that the conversion has been carried out without a legal building permit. The County Administrative Board is also responsible for the backlog of the proceedings.

According to the County Administrative Board, a construction committee reportedly informed the known owners of the building permit application and gave them the opportunity to comment, but this was not the case.

The neighbor: "The optimum would be that they fuck everything in the air"

It took two months for the law on construction for shareholders to receive the documents. Then the mill had already been rebuilt. This caused a stir and four co-owners joined forces and appealed the municipality's decision.

Suzann Bernsgården is a partner of Kånsta S: 1, located right next to the municipal property with the windmill.

"They sent building permits to a lot of people there, but not to us in the community, but we are right next door," she told Nerikes Allehanda.

"In particular, it is the historical and cultural value.It is simply too important to turn the mill into a holiday home.The optimum would be that they screw everything and restore it.

Ingalill Esping has been living in the mill for 15 years, but sold the house a few years ago.

"It went wrong from the beginning when the municipality started all this without organizing an information meeting.It is clear that the reconstruction of the factory is an accelerated project, but it is a mistake that has occurred. reversed, she told NA.

TV4 reviews

TV4 is aware of the decision of the county administrative commission and comments:

"The renovation has been completed in accordance with the building permit issued by the municipality.The municipality can answer questions related to the handling of the case."

Expressen is looking for the municipality of Hallsberg.

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