The EU and the United States enter the "new phase"


The new phase is based on a close friendship, strong trade relations that both win and better cooperation for global security and prosperity and a common fight against terrorism.

The parties agree to work Together to raise tariffs and other trade barriers

Trump: We will work for reduced rates

A high-level advisory group will be appointed to continue the work and short-term measures to facilitate commercial investigations.

– We are now entering negotiations, but we basically know how it is going to be. At the press conference Mr. Juncker said the EU should start importing natural gas and soy from the United States According to US Commerce Minister Wilbur Ross, it's all about more things.

– It's more than just soy. All agricultural products will be discussed. Ross says in an interview with Fox News

A German industrial organization is cautiously positive about the deal, but warns that the threat of auto tariffs is not completely over.

Germany would be seriously affected by the threat of taxes on cars becoming a reality, and according to the industry, hundreds of thousands of jobs could be lost.

Eric Schweitzer, President of the German Chamber of Commerce DIHK says it belongs to the United States of "

" The solution proposal goes in the right direction, but there is still a lot of skepticism, "says he said in a statement

"US security demands that customs be sheer stupidity"

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