The EU at Trump: Do not Forget Who's Your Friend


Photo: Geert Vanden Wijngaert / AP / TT

"Stop NATO," protesters demanded in Brussels during a demonstration last weekend for the summit of the "Lions". NATO of the week.

European nervousness is high in front of what US President Donald Trump will meet at the NATO summit in Brussels

Do not forget who your friend is, leaving this cutting-edge maneuver 39; EU.

] Of the 29 member states of NATO, 22 are members of the EU at the same time. And among many of them, White House leaders are increasingly concerned about cooperation with the Atlantic.

The US President complains more and more that many European NATO members do not fulfill adding at least the equivalent of two percent of its GDP to the defense.

"Estimate Your Friends"

The President of the EU Permanent Council, Donald Tusk, therefore addresses Trump's names immediately before the NATO summit, which begins tomorrow.

– Dear President Trump: America does not have and will not receive a better alliance than Europe. My greetings to America are learning to appreciate your friends – because you do not have as many, says Tusk when he and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker write an in-depth cooperation agreement with the secretary NATO General Jens Stoltenberg. was the first to respond when the United States was attacked on September 11 (2001). European troops were merged with the Americans in Afghanistan. 873 European soldiers sacrificed their lives – including 40 from my own country, Poland, Tusk says.

Putin Meetings

The EU Foundation also sends a direct agreement to the planned meeting of Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday

– It is always helpful to know who your friend is strategic and which is your strategic problem, says Tusk in Brussels.

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