The ex-Finnish policeman arrested for involvement in a Swedish murder


The murder took place after internal strife between thieves after the spectacular flight of Arlanda in 2002 . Last year, Leo "Kinesen" Carmona came out and recounted both the theft and the murder of the kumpanen.

– I did this mess with a few. [Den mördade] would push them on the money they had won. I did not allow it. I said, "These are my friends, you can not do that". Then they started calling my daughter and my family and threatening her, and then he became as he was, said the artist of life at SVT last year

Murderer reports

Jari Aarnio, former chief of police, was arrested and suspected of involvement in the murder, according to Helsingin Sanomat and the Finnish news agency STT. According to Helsingin Sanomat the murder took place in an apartment rented by a prostitute woman with whom the police chief of the time was in relationship.

The woman, in turn, had rented the apartment second-hand to one of the four men convicted of the murder. But the Finnish police suspect that Jari Arnio had known of the murder in advance, according to Helsingin Sanomat. In one book published, one of the Finns convicted of the murder also claims that the police chief of the time should have known the murder plans.

Jari Aarni's lawyer told Helsingin Sanomat that he had denied the allegations. A policeman who is aware of murder plans, but does nothing to prevent it, may be sentenced to life imprisonment for life in Finland, according to Yle

Several Finnish policemen prosecuted

Jari Aarnio was former chief for pharmacy of Helsinki. He was sentenced in 2016 to ten years in prison for five serious drug offenses. According to the Helsinki District Court, he played a crucial role in a league that carried more than a thousand pounds of hashish to Finland. After appealing the verdict, he was released in June of this year in anticipation of the judgment of the Court of Appeal.

However, it is still under investigation for other crimes in a major police scandal in Finland. Together with three other senior officials and former police officers in Helsinki, he is accused of irregularities in the management method of the information sources of Helsinki Drugs, according to Hufvudstadsbladet . [ad_2]
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