The excuses of Javidi is an intellectual accident


DEBATT | SEMITISM. All the better if today 's anti – Semitism always wore a brown shirt and walked in a group with the right arm extended!

And stopped turning words and saying cosmopolites or globalists when they actually mean Jews. Then we would not need a public discussion about what is antisemitism and what is not. It would be enough of a list of characteristics that we received from our high school history teacher

READ MORE – Oldoz Javidi: The reader has distorted my words – This is my truth

The version Oldoz Javidi does not work well

When Oldoz Javidi here in Expressen gives her her "version" of what she "really meant" with her dream of emptying Israel to the Jews and taking them to the United States, it does nothing good, rather the opposite

. Those who dream of solving political problems by moving on large groups of people place themselves in a secular tradition of political ideas, all with racism – or any other form of radical xenophobia – as the basis. To want to move Jews is the most fatal of these dreams. (It actually exists on the list of teachers.)

This dream has not only been "interpreted" as anti-Semitic. The Jews, as Javidi says, would have an interpretation of this question, of course, is not anti-Semitic, but deeply anti-intellectual, quite in tune with a state of mind, especially in the left, arguing that only the one who is directly affected by a problem has the right to take a stand on this issue.

The result is an intellectual accident: we leave anti-Semitism to the Jews, the misogyny of women and the hostility of the refugees. And the Palestinian question to the Palestinians.

Neither my best friend nor her mother, who is old enough to have experienced anti-Semitism in her body, thought her words were anti-Semitic, writes Javidi.

Touching, but there is no argument, as little as the appearance of an illiterate "reader" is an argument. Among those seeking a mandate as political representatives, we ask for arguments.

It's a sign of health that Fi has achieved. That's exactly what we are discussing publicly.

Svante Weyler is the editor, chairman of the Swedish Committee against Anti-Semitism and its collaborators on the cultural side expressen.

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