The fire in Kosta under control


The forest fire that began in Kosta on Friday afternoon, and later reported as surrounded, is now under control. Provided you continue to bombard with water from the air.

It was just before three o'clock on Friday afternoon that the fire alarm near the Visjön to Kosta arrived. Since then, it has been an intensive job to extinguish it. Initially, the rescue service worked to surround the fire to finally control it

– We continue to bomb with water from the air until we have the fire under control . And we assumed we were bombing. Currently, a helicopter is flying from Lithuania and two from Germany, says Leif Andrén, director of operations of the Swedish Civil Protection Agency, MSB, in Växjö, and continues:

– This should not be unchecked.

Charlotte Stjernkvist

With great precision, helicopter pilots release millions of water on the Kosta wildfires.

When it's dark, it's impossible to fly, then between 23 and 05, pretty much, the pilots rest. The most beneficial is that helicopters fly in the morning. It is then a better visibility and a higher humidity, which is an advantage, according to Leif Andrén.

– These helicopter pilots are precision planes. They can pick up water from a pool or pool and drop it on a stump if needed. With reservation for too much smoke. Then they do not see. Then they have to take into account the poles, wind turbines and other wiring in the area, "said Leif Andrén

  At five in the morning, the water bombards the Kosta forest fires that began Friday after -midi

From five o'clock in the morning, the water bombards the forest fires of Kosta that began Friday afternoon

SMHI traces a small shed on the municipality of Lessebo Sunday night, but this will not affect the rescue of Kosta. basically not at all our work. It must rain a long time because it is dry far in the field. Leif Andrén

There is a strong ban on fighting fires in Kronoberg County since Wednesday seems to have entered the consciousness of people. It is confirmed by the police management center in Malmö.

– The conversation to us that people grils have decreased significantly, so that people are aware now. There may be only one tourist who does not know that there is a ban that lights a barbecue, "says Stephan Söderholm, South African Information Officer

and Leif Andrén stands out clearly

– Imagine you drown. in the wild at the gas and launches a barbecue. You do not do it, but it's so bad now.

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