The first folding mobile in the world – the first to have tested


It was at a launch event in Beijing that Royole launched the world's first mobile phone with a flexible screen. The device has a screen on the outside and can be folded to serve as a tablet. The most interesting, perhaps, is that the unit is already sold and that, according to the company itself, deliveries will begin in December of this year.

Works but does not impress

In addition to the launch event in Beijing, Royole also showed the camera in San Francisco, where reporters have tested the device. Those who have tested the device confirm that it actually works, but at the same time attests that the software is extremely buggy and that the printing of the device itself is not at all trustworthy. For example, The Verge describes that applications open by mistake and that the rotation of the screen image changes randomly. Royole uses its own OS Water based on Android 9.0 and, according to these first impressions, seems far from stable. The material itself gives no positive impression, but it seems, in particular, that Royole publishes this device as the first.

Price around 15 000 SEK

When Royole now starts selling Flexpai, the foldable mobile phone, the price stops at 1388 euros, or about 14,400 euros. The price applies to a device with 128 GB of storage. If you want a 256GB version, you can pay the equivalent of $ 16,000. Royole FlexiPai consists of a flexible 7.8-inch screen with a aspect ratio of 4: 3 and 1920 x 1440 pixels. When the phone is folded, the screen area is divided into three parts with a main screen, a secondary part and a side part. The main display area, used mainly when the camera is closed, has a 16: 9 aspect ratio and the outline screen is used to inform you of incoming calls, messages, etc.

The camera is equipped with two cameras, one on 16 and the other at 20 megapixels, and the company itself points out that, thanks to the design of the camera, it is possible to take photos under unique angles. When the device is clogged, you should be able to take pictures or incoming calls from the page of your choice, without knowing how.

Performance-oriented, the Royole Flexpai is equipped with a Snapdragon 8150 octagonal and 6 or 8 GB of working memory. The device is sold to Chinese consumers and the version sold worldwide is marketed as a developer, especially for application developers who wish to test the format.

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