The former Catalan leader Puigdemont not released – Spain withdraws his arrest warrant | foreign


The Spanish authorities do not want the former Catalan leader, Carles Puigdemont, to be released from Germany.

For former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, the long wait now seems over.

Since the end of March, Puigdemont has been stuck in Germany after his arrest. He was arrested by the German police on the border with Denmark

After visiting Finland, the former Catalan leader was en route to his temporary home in Belgium.

After being in German prison in the first weeks, he spent the last month of service in Berlin, waiting to find out whether he will be handed over to Spain or not.

Puigdemont arrested in Germany is bound by the European arrest warrant issued by the Spanish authorities.

Could not be extradited [19659008] In Spain, Puigdemont is suspected, among other things, of insurrection, and he wants to surrender him.

Last week, a German court ruled that Puigdemo He can not be forgiven, but only suspected of perjury.

Violation of the violation has no direct counterpart in the German penal code and therefore he can not be extradited for this crime, the German court ruled earlier. This is because Puigdemont is forgiven, but at the same time he can not be brought to justice for other offenses.

This is also the reason why the Spanish authorities withdraw the arrest warrant.

the court – one should not have been sufficiently engaged in the case, it is called among others.

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