The friendship of Alexandra Zazzi with Kalle Moraeus after the biggest loser


When Alexandra Zazzi in one of the sections had to choose between the people that Pekka Lindmark and Kalle Moraeus had to leave Big Plus TV4's VIP Loser, she started crying.

"There are my two brothers at the castle, and then I will choose one of them," she explained.

Pekka Lindmark was then sacrificed and the program manager and musician Moraeus had to stay with Zazzi.

Moraeus and Zazzi formed close relationships during the recordings.

"We had many evening discussions on the issue of food security, food is synonymous with celebration and part of our lifestyle," says Alexandra Zazzi.

She explains that they are constantly surrounded by temptations.

"Kalle and I have talked about life in society with our complexity when it comes to food.We both know that we always have our hands in the bag.Every time you meet someone should eat something good .

It was emotional during the recordings.

Photo: TV4

Friendship with Kalle Moraeus

The new friendship with Kalle Moraeus is very important to her.

"We opened up to each other," she says about the recording period.

Kalle Moraeus has good relations with Alexandra Zazzi.


Even after the program, they stayed in touch. A few days ago, they were exchanged over the phone.

"We are super comrades, he called me when he was on moose and started eating things that he did not want to eat," said Alexandra Zazzi.

Found comfort in food

Alexandra Zazzi says that she has an unhealthy relationship with food since the age of 11. It was at that time that she left Italy for Sweden.

"It was hard to get into Swedish life and learn social codes.I was exposed and lingered.I had the impression of having a good time. to be a foreign bird who did not really belong to the house.

She found that everything was better when she drank Fanta and ate candies, she says.

"Eating was a bit like a safe moan." And since then, I have been comforting for a long time. Salt and fat have become important to me. I refuse cheeses and fries.

"I refuse cheeses and fries"

Photo: Pär Bäckstrand / TV4

To find a balance

She believes that many people have complex relationships with food and that we highlight inaccurate food values.

– The pizza and burgers are positive, you have to do something. I thought so, but it's a bad thought, says Alexandra, and continues:

"Today, I live like I'm learning.I found a balance.I do not rush over for a chocolate cake when I feel bad.I learned to think differently. .

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