The gambling site must give 12 million – after the leak of "Red Dead Redemption 2"


Photo: Rockstar Games

You do not interfere with Rockstar. The Game Trusted Reviews has leaked secret information of "Red Dead Redemption 2" and now gets their penalty from the developers.

Break the rules of Rockstars has its consequences. In February, the British side of the game fled Trusted opinion information about the content of "Red Dead Redemption 2" several months before release. Now the site has to compensate for this loss by donating to a charity – at the studio's invitation, reports Variety.

In order to avoid a major conflict, both parties agreed that Trusted Reviews would donate $ 1 million, or just over $ 12 million, to a charity chosen by Rockstar.

"We have published an article from a confidential commercial document, we should have known that this information was confidential and we would not have published it.We apologize for Take-Two Games unreservedly and we will not repeat the same error. ", states TI Media, who owns the game page.

Take-Two – which publishes the game of Rockstar – takes safety seriously and will continue to act legally for this type of leak, they write in a press release.

Rockstar Games has ordered donations to be made to three different organizations that, among other things, defend the rights of Native American peoples.

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