The giant mission of the photographer for National Geographic


Photo: Magnus Wennman / Aftonbladet

The Aftonbladet photographer, Magnus Wennman, has been successful in his career. He is among others the photographer who won the highest prize in the "Image of the Year" contest and has been nominated five times for this year's photographer.

Now he completes the merit list with an image of his asleep son, which will adorn the August issue of National Geographics. The mission came a year ago when Magnus Wennman was asked to do a report on "The science of sleep".

– It's a prestigious mission, and a dream I've had throughout my life and my career – but I consider it almost unattainable, says Magnus Wennman at Dagens Media.

Magnus Wennman writes on his Facebook:
"The most important photo I took on a November night in our own home when Wile was asleep.I do not pay much attention to me that it's my own son on the cover of next month's issue of NG. Feels surreal, proud. "

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